Friday, October 8, 2010


Dear Diary,

So much can happen in just a few days.. I have been busy getting ready to to my Akashic Record readings which is setting up forms, scheduling, and updating the website to explain about the Records and what to expect. On top of that I have been sending out emails letting people know about our Healing Circles which were built for seekers and students.

This month at our Healing Circle my Akasich Records teacher Jodi Lovoi was speaking and we ran out of chairs. The healing that went on on such a large group level was truly amazing!!! It was very powerful.

The next day I met a new friend to do a Reiki Session at "the Acupuncture Clinic". On my way out Pam Durham my friend who owns the clinic got a phone call from someone who was in a lot of pain. It was a random call and she was booked for the day to do acupuncutre so she asked if I would speak to them. I did and we talked about Reiki. It is hard to explain to someone about Reiki when they are in sever pain over the phone.

She said she wanted to look around and see what she could find and would call if she needed the Reiki. We hung up and I was telling my friend what happened when I realized that I had picked up her vibration in my heart through her voice and could send her Reiki for the pain. I could send it to her if she wanted it. The Reiki energy was there but she didn't have to accept the healing energy. All I knew is that I wanted to help.

I sat down and went into my heart Chakra sending out the Reiki using my symbols and sending the healing energy to help her with the pain. It was easy as I just homed in on her vibration. As I was sending Reiki I started to feel major pain in my body from what I knew was hers. I had had the same thing happen to me 15 years ago and recognised it right off. Amazing how just like child birth we forget pain like that. My body and I remembered it right off.

I knew in my training that if I allowed my body to stay in that pain I would go into stress and double over. I started to focus moving the energy out of my body and draining it out of my feet into the earth which sucked the pain it right out. I knew when I was doing this that she had accepted the Reiki on a subconscious level as I was feeling the sensation in my body from her pain.

I sent the Reiki until I lost the vibration in my heart and then stoped. I grounded myself back into my body and went on with my day. Later I was surprised to work on someone for a soul retrieval which I stumbled on to and the two of us had a session... Busy day! Exhausted, I went to bed at 8pm after sending out my consent forms for the people that I am reading their Akashic Records next week.

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