Dear Diary,
Last night before I went to bed I found a penny next to the new puppy's bed. I usually find pennies when my father is around, and it has been a very long while since I have received one. He was a big dog person, and as I was picking the penny up I got the message that he approved of my son't new dog.
Our lives seem to be changing dramatically not only with the dog, but the children are getting ready to move back home from school. They bring with them all of their menagerie of pets and things to be stored for next year. It looks to be an exciting time here at the house. I am hoping that the house survives all the activity. When I talk to my guides about it they reassure me that the summer is looking to be filled with lots of laughter, and unorganized chaos. They also let me know that it will be one that will be remembered as filled with lots of love, and wonderful memories. I keep reminding myself of that as we get closer to the dates of everyone moving back home.
I have had a few spirits sightings in the house, but what is strange is that there isn't nearly the activity in the house as there used to be. For some reason the spirits seem to be interested in me when I am in the living room working on my beading project. Yesterday I just happened to look up when I saw white smokey form move towards me as it crossed from the other side of the room. As I followed it with my eyes it continued to move in my direction then passed through me. I had no fear as this is something that happens a lot, but I felt it go through me, and out the other side going wherever it intended to go. This not only happened once, but twice as another white smokey form followed the first one right through me. I had to smile to myself as they seemed to me to be making it really clear that they wanted me to know they approved of the dog, and I were being quite. I continued on with my beading glancing only once to see the dog sleeping soundly on the floor beside me.
Last night before I went to bed I found a penny next to the new puppy's bed. I usually find pennies when my father is around, and it has been a very long while since I have received one. He was a big dog person, and as I was picking the penny up I got the message that he approved of my son't new dog.
I have had a few spirits sightings in the house, but what is strange is that there isn't nearly the activity in the house as there used to be. For some reason the spirits seem to be interested in me when I am in the living room working on my beading project. Yesterday I just happened to look up when I saw white smokey form move towards me as it crossed from the other side of the room. As I followed it with my eyes it continued to move in my direction then passed through me. I had no fear as this is something that happens a lot, but I felt it go through me, and out the other side going wherever it intended to go. This not only happened once, but twice as another white smokey form followed the first one right through me. I had to smile to myself as they seemed to me to be making it really clear that they wanted me to know they approved of the dog, and I were being quite. I continued on with my beading glancing only once to see the dog sleeping soundly on the floor beside me.
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