Dear Diary,
So what I don't think most people know is that for the next twenty four hours after astral projecting clairvoyance seems to be at a high. I noticed it more on Friday when my husband decided to work from home, and took a few breaks during the day to do a few simple errands with me. Images, and symbols were both clear, and vivid in my minds eye as I would see things in what I would describe like a daydream. Sometimes the images were so crisp it would take my physical mind a few minutes to realize that it was not my physical reality that I was experiencing at that moment. For the record I was always able to shift my focus back to my physical reality in a few seconds, but it would take me off guard when it happened.
As we went to have a quick bite to eat for lunch I discovered that I was picking up on other peoples energy like static cling, and what they were thinking that it took every effort to concentrate on what Steve, and I were discussing at our own table. I would find myself wondering off only to land in someone's energy field where my energy would naturally settle into theirs to experience the person who's voice I heard, or saw. When this happened I would have instance flashes of the person as a child, or see vivid scenes of them in doing things in their life. Sometimes in those moments I would feel, smell, and understand what they were thinking while they were having that experience. Something else that happened was the sound of someone's voice would send me into their thought process. When I realized what I was doing I ended up having to refocus while centering myself to keep up with our conversation at our own table. Also few times during lunch I had to remind myself to pull my own energy in so not to entangle mine with others. This is what it is like to not be grounded in your own body.
Later that day while Steve was in his office at home working I decided to hang out with the dogs in the back yard to enjoy the sunshine, and water the plants. During that time I started to ground myself, and began to consciously release the excess energy to be soaked up by the garden. When I have days of not being grounded, and super sensitive I usually work in our flower garden to balance my energy. This was something I was taught in my spiritual training. The earth, and plants enjoy soaking up all the energy when we have too much for our physical bodies. They also help us bring our soul back into balance with our physical bodies. For me being a suburban housewife the flower garden is crucial as I don't get out in nature a lot.
This reminds me when I asked a shaman once why it doesn't hurt the earth when we dump all of our mental, and spiritual energy, and baggage into it. I was told that like the earth.... trees, and plants thrive on the carbon monoxide that we breath out turning it into oxygen. They also have the ability to soak up excess energy, or change negative energy into positive energy. The earth, and all nature also helps us bring ourselves back into balance when we have been spirit walking, and need to be grounded back into our physical bodies once again. I find this to be true, and often will turn to my flower garden for help when I am over done. I was truly grateful, and like always it worked! I was then able to focus my attention later on our son who return home for weekend to visit, and see his dog. I ended up enjoying the rest of the weekend being fully present in myself when I was hanging out with our family.
Just for the record.... I have been noticing a few spirit sightings around the house of white smoke moving across different parts of different rooms. They seem to be skirting by in a big hurry to get to wherever they are going. In these cases I just happened to be in the way, or walking by at the time they are moving.
Between us.... I think that I am most sensitive to spirits at home when I have my guards down with my own energy. I do however have sightings when I am out, and about. The only difference is that I usually keep my energy close to me when I am out. I am not as sensitive to them unless I open up my energy fields, or caught off guard when I forget to keep them close. Sometimes things will come in so subtle that it takes a few moments to catch it which can often be missed as it blends in with the rest of the day. The "Ah ha" moment may come when I am about to fall asleep, and the memory rushes through my mind.
So what I don't think most people know is that for the next twenty four hours after astral projecting clairvoyance seems to be at a high. I noticed it more on Friday when my husband decided to work from home, and took a few breaks during the day to do a few simple errands with me. Images, and symbols were both clear, and vivid in my minds eye as I would see things in what I would describe like a daydream. Sometimes the images were so crisp it would take my physical mind a few minutes to realize that it was not my physical reality that I was experiencing at that moment. For the record I was always able to shift my focus back to my physical reality in a few seconds, but it would take me off guard when it happened.
As we went to have a quick bite to eat for lunch I discovered that I was picking up on other peoples energy like static cling, and what they were thinking that it took every effort to concentrate on what Steve, and I were discussing at our own table. I would find myself wondering off only to land in someone's energy field where my energy would naturally settle into theirs to experience the person who's voice I heard, or saw. When this happened I would have instance flashes of the person as a child, or see vivid scenes of them in doing things in their life. Sometimes in those moments I would feel, smell, and understand what they were thinking while they were having that experience. Something else that happened was the sound of someone's voice would send me into their thought process. When I realized what I was doing I ended up having to refocus while centering myself to keep up with our conversation at our own table. Also few times during lunch I had to remind myself to pull my own energy in so not to entangle mine with others. This is what it is like to not be grounded in your own body.
This reminds me when I asked a shaman once why it doesn't hurt the earth when we dump all of our mental, and spiritual energy, and baggage into it. I was told that like the earth.... trees, and plants thrive on the carbon monoxide that we breath out turning it into oxygen. They also have the ability to soak up excess energy, or change negative energy into positive energy. The earth, and all nature also helps us bring ourselves back into balance when we have been spirit walking, and need to be grounded back into our physical bodies once again. I find this to be true, and often will turn to my flower garden for help when I am over done. I was truly grateful, and like always it worked! I was then able to focus my attention later on our son who return home for weekend to visit, and see his dog. I ended up enjoying the rest of the weekend being fully present in myself when I was hanging out with our family.
Just for the record.... I have been noticing a few spirit sightings around the house of white smoke moving across different parts of different rooms. They seem to be skirting by in a big hurry to get to wherever they are going. In these cases I just happened to be in the way, or walking by at the time they are moving.
Between us.... I think that I am most sensitive to spirits at home when I have my guards down with my own energy. I do however have sightings when I am out, and about. The only difference is that I usually keep my energy close to me when I am out. I am not as sensitive to them unless I open up my energy fields, or caught off guard when I forget to keep them close. Sometimes things will come in so subtle that it takes a few moments to catch it which can often be missed as it blends in with the rest of the day. The "Ah ha" moment may come when I am about to fall asleep, and the memory rushes through my mind.
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