Dear Diary,
I got a frantic phone call yesterday morning from a dear friend who was having a lot of spirit activity in her home the night before. She had so much activity that it was hard for her to sleep. Most of the night she said that she could hear different spirits talking and could see images moving around the room. When she ignored the spirits they went as far as turning on the stereo with the speakers blaring full blast in the living room to get her attention. The first time the spirits did this she got up and turned the stereo off. She said she was just about to fall asleep when they did it again. Annoyed she got up to turn it off only this time looking around the house. When she didn't see anyone in the house she went on back to bed. Again the stereo came back on full blast and this time she said she told them in a firm voice to turn off the stereo because she was not getting up to do it again. The funny part was that they did and it wasn't turned on the rest of the night. They did however continued to talk which kept her up.
As I talked with her she was excited but worried they might continue to do this every night which would interfere with her sleep and her work schedule. Her question to me was why were the spirits in her home and why were they trying to get her attention. I have to admit that I was really enjoying her story but I wasn't getting a lot of intimation about the spirits in her home when we talked. I told her that I wondered where the spirits got all the extra energy to turn on the stereo in physical realm. That was a concern. Sometimes spirits will borrow energy from a host which can drain a person's energy field as they use the energy to survive in the in-between realms which is connected to our physical world and the light. When I checked her energy she was fine and there were no holes in her aura so where were they getting the extra energy to physically manipulate the stereo?........ She wanted me to come to her home and I agreed after an appointment I already had scheduled.
After I hung up I immediately got another phone call only this time it was from my mom. We talked about the rain storm the day before and I told her we had lost electricity as lighting hit the transformer behind our home. As we talked I told her about my friend that we both know bringing up the question about the extra energy that the spirits had to turn on her stereo. That is when my mom piped up saying that it was the energy from the storm that contributed to their strength to turn it on. Of course when she said that I remembered that source of energy can used to manifest things in the physical world. Energy is energy and when it is disbursed in a concentrated form it is more likely to be soaked up. My friend lives only a mile away from me so the storm also affected her to. I couldn't believe that I had forgotten that.
Later after my afternoon appointment I went into a quick check finding that the spirits were coming in and out of her home and that the storm had given them more strength to be more vocal. She is also gifted in hearing the other side and this was not the first time she has called me. What came in loud and clear was that the spirits were giving her a hint that she could be using her gift to help those who need her help on the other side.
I talked to her about using her gift but she was not interested at this time in her life to pursue communication with the other side. I her made a formula using essential oils in a spray to use until she decided to use her gift so that she could clear some of the rooms in her house. That way she could set boundaries for the spirits in her home when she needed to. I also explained to her that I use essential oils rather than white sage to clear energy because smoke bothers me. I have used essential oils and they work just as effectively as the white sage only without the smoke. I told her also that later when I had time I would go in remotely and see if they would cross over into the light. Of course that is up to spirits to cross over into the light as free will plays a huge part of it all, "Both on this side and the other side!"
I got a frantic phone call yesterday morning from a dear friend who was having a lot of spirit activity in her home the night before. She had so much activity that it was hard for her to sleep. Most of the night she said that she could hear different spirits talking and could see images moving around the room. When she ignored the spirits they went as far as turning on the stereo with the speakers blaring full blast in the living room to get her attention. The first time the spirits did this she got up and turned the stereo off. She said she was just about to fall asleep when they did it again. Annoyed she got up to turn it off only this time looking around the house. When she didn't see anyone in the house she went on back to bed. Again the stereo came back on full blast and this time she said she told them in a firm voice to turn off the stereo because she was not getting up to do it again. The funny part was that they did and it wasn't turned on the rest of the night. They did however continued to talk which kept her up.
After I hung up I immediately got another phone call only this time it was from my mom. We talked about the rain storm the day before and I told her we had lost electricity as lighting hit the transformer behind our home. As we talked I told her about my friend that we both know bringing up the question about the extra energy that the spirits had to turn on her stereo. That is when my mom piped up saying that it was the energy from the storm that contributed to their strength to turn it on. Of course when she said that I remembered that source of energy can used to manifest things in the physical world. Energy is energy and when it is disbursed in a concentrated form it is more likely to be soaked up. My friend lives only a mile away from me so the storm also affected her to. I couldn't believe that I had forgotten that.
Later after my afternoon appointment I went into a quick check finding that the spirits were coming in and out of her home and that the storm had given them more strength to be more vocal. She is also gifted in hearing the other side and this was not the first time she has called me. What came in loud and clear was that the spirits were giving her a hint that she could be using her gift to help those who need her help on the other side.
I talked to her about using her gift but she was not interested at this time in her life to pursue communication with the other side. I her made a formula using essential oils in a spray to use until she decided to use her gift so that she could clear some of the rooms in her house. That way she could set boundaries for the spirits in her home when she needed to. I also explained to her that I use essential oils rather than white sage to clear energy because smoke bothers me. I have used essential oils and they work just as effectively as the white sage only without the smoke. I told her also that later when I had time I would go in remotely and see if they would cross over into the light. Of course that is up to spirits to cross over into the light as free will plays a huge part of it all, "Both on this side and the other side!"
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