Dear Diary,
I was on the phone with someone in my family yesterday and they were telling me that they had noticed white smokey images flashing around the baby. I explained that when someone is born with the psychic senses open they tend to attract a lot of attention from the other side. It was not something to be worried about as the baby's guides and angels would stand watch until the child was ready to handle the energy as it would be part of a soul contact to bring into this lifetime the skills to work on both sides.
Last night was wonderful I got to slept through the whole night. My dreams were deeply vivid and I remember a lot of detail from them this morning. My dreams were very active and communicated in a great deal of symbolism. Later when I have time to myself I will go look up some of the symbols that stand out and decipher what they were tying to tell me.
The really exciting part of the dream was when I was in the middle of dreaming a very loving energy appeared out of nowhere emanating a massive amount of unconditional love towards me. The energy was so strong that I felt this love throughout my whole dream body which moved vibrating into my whole being. This then knocked me into a conscious state as I recognized that this energy was not apart of the dream. I also knew in that moment that it was someone who loved me deeply stopping by to let me know that they were there. As the awareness spread through me that I was also dreaming it pulled me into a state where I continued to experience the rest of the dream on a conscious level. That in itself is a game changer when dreaming and the whole way that one moves through the dream.I was very excited this morning when I was waking up that something amazing had happened and I was aware of it.
Today is my day to work on paintings and the children's book for adults that I actually wrote in 2010 that has been sitting on my desk. It needs to be finished and
I am working now on the illustrations.
I was on the phone with someone in my family yesterday and they were telling me that they had noticed white smokey images flashing around the baby. I explained that when someone is born with the psychic senses open they tend to attract a lot of attention from the other side. It was not something to be worried about as the baby's guides and angels would stand watch until the child was ready to handle the energy as it would be part of a soul contact to bring into this lifetime the skills to work on both sides.
The really exciting part of the dream was when I was in the middle of dreaming a very loving energy appeared out of nowhere emanating a massive amount of unconditional love towards me. The energy was so strong that I felt this love throughout my whole dream body which moved vibrating into my whole being. This then knocked me into a conscious state as I recognized that this energy was not apart of the dream. I also knew in that moment that it was someone who loved me deeply stopping by to let me know that they were there. As the awareness spread through me that I was also dreaming it pulled me into a state where I continued to experience the rest of the dream on a conscious level. That in itself is a game changer when dreaming and the whole way that one moves through the dream.I was very excited this morning when I was waking up that something amazing had happened and I was aware of it.
Today is my day to work on paintings and the children's book for adults that I actually wrote in 2010 that has been sitting on my desk. It needs to be finished and
I am working now on the illustrations.
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