Dear Diary,
Yesterday I had the privilege to have lunch with one of my oldest and dearest friends from my childhood who was in town visiting her family for the week. She is one of those friends in my life that even though we don't get to visit a lot when we apart as our lives are so different, we will always be friends. We spent a good portion of the day catching each other up on our families and our lives. It was amazing how much had changed since we last talked.
At one time our conversation turned to the subject of ghosts as that is apart of my life. She told me that since she had been back to her childhood home she had started to have some experiences. Her mother had passed away several years ago and she was wondered if that was her trying to make contact. I have to admit that was on my mind when she brought the subject up but wanted to let her tell me what she was experiencing in the house.
My friend went on to describe seeing blurry images of someone out of the corner of her eye darting quickly through the rooms. She also talked about feeling a presences as if someone was in the room with her. I couldn't help following the energy frequency with my energy field while she was describing the different incidents. Basically when a person talks about an experience their memories relive a little part of what had happened to them creating an energy field. For a person who is sensitive to this energy it is a doorway that opens into the past event that gives access into a hologram of the whole experience. Once it is opened a sensitive person can lock onto the energy picking up the subtle vibrations that participated while tracking different energy trails of interests.
Side Note: Most sensitives will do this unconsciously as it is a natural ability for them and can't break down the process to explain as it just like breathing to them.
What I found when I went into that doorway was that it was not her mom she was seeing but a spirit who had come in the house to hang out with her family. It was harmless and only curious. As we talked I understood that if she asked me directly to give her the answer whether it was her mom or not, I would tell her exactly what I got. If not to leave it alone as the idea of a foreign spirit would only upset her. She was okay with me being who I was but still unsure about what she really thought about the spirit world and spirits interacting with the living. Her only question to me was if she had seen a real ghost. I validated her experiences of seeing a spirit. Then the conversation went into another direction and was not ever brought up again.
We spent the rest of the day shopping and enjoying each other's company. It was a good day!
Yesterday I had the privilege to have lunch with one of my oldest and dearest friends from my childhood who was in town visiting her family for the week. She is one of those friends in my life that even though we don't get to visit a lot when we apart as our lives are so different, we will always be friends. We spent a good portion of the day catching each other up on our families and our lives. It was amazing how much had changed since we last talked.
At one time our conversation turned to the subject of ghosts as that is apart of my life. She told me that since she had been back to her childhood home she had started to have some experiences. Her mother had passed away several years ago and she was wondered if that was her trying to make contact. I have to admit that was on my mind when she brought the subject up but wanted to let her tell me what she was experiencing in the house.
Side Note: Most sensitives will do this unconsciously as it is a natural ability for them and can't break down the process to explain as it just like breathing to them.
What I found when I went into that doorway was that it was not her mom she was seeing but a spirit who had come in the house to hang out with her family. It was harmless and only curious. As we talked I understood that if she asked me directly to give her the answer whether it was her mom or not, I would tell her exactly what I got. If not to leave it alone as the idea of a foreign spirit would only upset her. She was okay with me being who I was but still unsure about what she really thought about the spirit world and spirits interacting with the living. Her only question to me was if she had seen a real ghost. I validated her experiences of seeing a spirit. Then the conversation went into another direction and was not ever brought up again.
We spent the rest of the day shopping and enjoying each other's company. It was a good day!
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