Monday, June 7, 2010


It turned out to be a very busy weekend. Saturday was filled with graduation ceremonies and family so there was no time to experience the environment around us. It was later in the evening, after coming home from a movie with my daughter which was part of the celebration, that I found myself having a panic attack.

Climbing into bed and starting to fall asleep, I started to think of the hole in the bottom of the ocean. I could not stop my thoughts from seeing all the damage that was happening as I was entering into sleep. Sleep came in fits and finally, around three in the morning, I heard a soft voice whisper in twilight to email my teacher in Hawaii the next morning and see if we could not Grok the earth and with that, I fell into a peaceful rest.

Early Sunday morning, I sent out an email and was delighted to have a response before noon. It was a message from my teacher that on Saturday they had gathered together in a meditation all over in an effort to send healing to that part of the earth. How wonderful is that! I had to wonder if I had picked some of that up and had created a panic attack? All I know is that I just felt there needed be something done on our end. Needless to say I was delighted to hear that they had done that.

I was excited to get ready for the afternoon as I was meeting with some of the other members on the "Spirit Rescue" team. We were invited to go to Wetherford, TX by someone who was experiencing some activity in their home.

There were nine of us who showed up plus our teacher, Paula, who leads the team. As we got there, we were able to move through the home and the property around the house, each scanning and seeing if we could pick up or see any ghost, spirits or entities. Also, we searched for portals that might have been opened. I must say that I really enjoy working with this group as they are each so amazingly gifted.

None of us on the team work with electronic devices and use only our gifts to communicate with the spirits or ghosts who are trapped or causing disturbances on this side. One did bring a video camera though, to record the event and how we do things.

As we moved around, we broke up in small groups to scan the area. Some were able to see people from the past still caught in their daily activities as if they were still living on this earth. Others who were more empathic were picking up the feelings and emotions of the ghost while still others were hearing them speak. Then there are those who just have a true sense of knowing what had happened and what going on with the ghost.

As we wrapped up, the Team met in the living room with the owners and discussed what the events of the afternoon. It was wonderful to have the validation when the owners shared the history of the property and home. I was quite delighted to hear one of the newer members talk to the owners about the difference between a ghost and Spirit.

A ghost is someone who is trapped, lost, attached, or can't see the light to pass on. They are most likely still bearing the scars, emotions, and body they had here on earth. That includes illness, lost limbs or sickness etc.... A spirit on the other hand has crossed to the other side and has joined the light with the option to come back and visit with complete healing on all levels. They have the ability to change their appearance or help those who are trapped in between.

Then there are the portals that have been opened, leading to other dimensions. Some of these are natural and welcome. While there are others that have been opened by those doing things that they don't understand. Those portals that are opened by accident or on purpose allow the dark entities and other beings form other dimensions to enter and often cause lots of problems, terrorising the people and ghosts who are trapped sharing living space. The last two homes we went to, we were called in to help by the owners who had encountered such activities and wanted us to close them down.

I am happy to say that there were no such portals or dark entities on the premises. What the team did find were spirits who were from other time periods coming to show off the living space that they used to own when they were here on earth. Others did encounter ghosts who did not want to be crossed and told the team to go away. They were happy exactly where they were and as long as the owners were OK with them being there, we did not try to cross them.

There was one in particular that was quite miserable and in distress, and a few members of the team were able to call for help on the other side and help talk the ghost through into the light. Nicely done! Free will is very important and if a ghost does not want to cross you can coax and call in a team of angels, but they have the choice to stay.....

All in all, the team worked very well together, and I will miss meeting with them later on this week as I have family matters to attend to, so I will have to hear from some of the members what they will discuss....

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