Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday evening..

Dear Diary,

Interesting weekend, I must say.... Sat I went with my family to visit another person in our family and we were sitting in the living room when I noticed that someone passed though me. I was sitting in the big easy chair just visiting when I got this weird feeling of something going through me and caught the last of it with my eyes as I realized what was happening. I thought I knew who it was but when I recalled the incident I did not recognise the energy.

Saturday was the lunar eclipse and I thought it might be good to ask for clarity on a relationship in my life which has been making me question so I asked for clarity before I went to sleep. Nothing came in my dream until my husband woke up and I woke up. As I was going back to sleep I got a movie of past events of my life and conversations that I would have never put two and two together. When I added two and two it equalled four and I had my answer.

Sunday I went back to the little church that I talked to the Pastor last Sunday. This time one of my teachers came for a visit. What was fun was that she saw the light and colors around the Pastor. She also saw the angels where the choir sits. I had seen this to and was excited that she had the same experience. I know that I have wondered why with only ten in the choir why it sounded like a hundred voices..."Da"! You can feel the emotion move through the room......It is just different. Hard to explain and must be experienced.

In a church of only a hundred and four something is happening there you can feel it in the church as it seems to be in the air.... Two years ago there were only thirty to fifty people and was dying. Now?

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