Friday, February 21, 2014


Dear Diary,

Okay last night was amazing.  I have been working on trying to problem solve in a situation that has fallen into my lap. I must admit that I have been getting a little anxious about getting it done. Last night when I received an email that was not what I was hoping to hear I had to take some time to rethink the next step in the best interest of the situation.

 That is when I decided to sleep on it and was just to tired to think. I went to bed falling quickly into sleep. I got up again around 1 am realizing that the air was a little think with energy. It felt a lot like a room packed with people in it. As I came to full consciousness I turned on the light noticing that the room had really changed as the air seemed almost think enough to see it. Okay now I wasn't just feeling it I was also seeing it. I let myself explore the energy that surrounded our bedroom, and it all seemed to be very loving, and supportive. I did a quick check on my husband who was fast asleep. All seemed good.

That is when the inspiration for the response to the email that I had received earlier came to me.  I was in a space of unconditional love, and the words started to flow clearly within my mind. Quickly I got out of bed, and went to the computer typing out an email feeling loved, and supported by everyone in the room.  I knew that I wasn't alone. There were others on the other side trying to help solve the problem that I was facing. It was beautiful!  After that I thanked everyone in the room for their help, and climbed back in bed falling asleep until this morning when the cat jumped on me waking me up to feed her.

Yesterday I spent time with my daughter who I told her about what I had seen on the ceiling. Her first question to me was what kind of energy was in when I saw that. Then she asked if they wanted anything. I told her "no" since I didn't ask. This morning I realized that last night I was in an energy that needed help. I didn't have to ask for help as my energy of being frustrated in trying to solve the problem was sent out in my subconscious mind, and from my energy field. That is why the room was filled with others who wanted to help me find an answer. Again, I am reminded what my guides said to me the other day about being mindful of what I was attracting in my life at this time.

Analyzing the whole experience I also am very grateful for another confirmation that I am supported on both this side, and the other side of the curtain. I do see now what the guides were talking about.

I do want to make a note...... that during the day I have noticed that I get so involved with my physical life as I do errands, or meet with people that I am less aware of what is going on with the other side. Sometimes when I am not as distracted I will often run into ghosts, or beings that are out, and about so it is not something that is only going on at the house. It is just that when I am at home there seems to be less distractions, and I am more in tune with what is happening on both sides. This includes the evenings, and when I wake up at night.

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