Thursday, November 11, 2010


Dear Diary,

It has been an amazing week again. I was asked by a friend to help her clear a house. She had trouble sleeping and one night saw a dark smoky shadow on the ceiling. She said that she remembered the description from our time together talking about the spirit world.

I agreed to help and set a date and time which was yesterday morning. It happened that I was visiting with a friend who is also gifted in this area and asked if she would like to help as my daughter was away at school and it would be fun to be a team. She agreed and we set it all up to meet.

As I was leaving the house yesterday I got a phone call from the friend who was going to help and her voice was strained. She had arrived and was wondering if I was on the way. I had just received a call from my other friend who was telling me that she was delayed but her boyfriend was still there. As I drove up to the house it seemed strange but I was not sure why.

My friend met me and told me that we must talk before we went in the house. She shared with me of a vision and what she saw in the house before we arrived. As we went into the house we soon discovered that there were three portals opened. We also found the dark entity that we were hunting that split into two parts as it realized what we were doing.

We began to close the portals and seal the house until we came to the last portal herding them into the last room that the portal was open with that we sealed the room and created a vortex that sucked the entities into it as the portal was closed and sealed. Then we went from room to room helping the ghost that were traped to cross. Again this is spirit rescue not banishment from the house. We talked to each of the ghosts and with the help of the Angels they each and everyone crossed. There were nine in all.

Last but not least we went through the house blessing the home. When you remove any energy form something then you always want to grace in positive energy. A hole will always fill in and so you need to make sure that it is full of Blessings or love. Again, I can't stress prayer....

It seems that not a day goes by without me walking through a ghost or a ghost passing between me and someone talking. We all just coexist on the earth.

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