Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Dear Diary,

My poor husband has been having terrible anxiety attacks in the the middle of the night and wakes up in a sweat this past week. I finely asked my guides what to do and they told me to switch sides of the bed so they could not find him. I thought that was kind of funny but I told my husband we needed to switch sides of the bed. He agreed and so we went to sleep on the different sides.

I woke up and looked at the clock with my heart racing. It was 2AM and I was upset as my dreams in the Twilight were telling me that I was not good enough and that I could not get anything done. I was upset and arguing as I knew in my heart that was a lie and not true but the feeling of being inadequate were over whelming.

I moved through it with my own heart and was soon back to sleep resting until the early morning. The next night I kind of remembered the incident but did not really put much into it but a nightmare. Again I awoke in the middle of the night with this feeling of powerlessness and fighting with myself in my dream that I was not good enough and that what ever I touched would be doomed. I wake up and again looked at the clock realzing that it was not real as I got my barrings straight understanding I was in dream state.

I recognized that what I was experiencing was a lie but the emotions that were attached to the lie were so intense it took a few hours to move past the feelings. Last night before I went to sleep I looked at my husband and stated that we have a ghost and that I was going to put my intentions in for the night to go ghost hunting. I don't know why I said that but I felt it very strongly in my guts.

I kissed him goodnight and fell asleep not to wake up until the morning. This morning I was fine with no feelings of emotions of helplessness at all. I came into the office and opened up my diary to write when it came to me as clear as day. It was just before I left a few months ago to visit my family in NYC that I awoke and saw a man standing over my husband on his side of the be looking down at him. There was no question of who it was sharing his life experience with us and now I knew who to cross.

As it was I had to run to a Reiki appointment and did not have time to write but as I was working on my client I asked them if we could work on crossing over the ghost while we were doing Reikil. I got a yes and so we went into the field in between worlds to find the ghost. I found him and recognized him immediately. I asked him his name which he gave me and we talked about him and why he was attracted to my husband energy field. I got his story and it was very sad. I asked the 4 Arch Angels to come in and they held the light and offered to take him into the light.

He did not want to go and claimed that he was unworthy of going into the beautiful light. We talked and asked if anyone on the other side would come through. They did as he seemed to have a wife who came to call for him. He still was unsure and it took a great deal of encouragement from the other side as he slowly walked into the light with lots of love.

I have to admit it makes me cry and I thanked the angels and the other side for doing all the work. They are so amazing. I am glad that this is cleared and will be gracing in lots of good energy to replace all the sadness that left....

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