Saturday, August 21, 2010


Dear Diary,

Yesterday I was in the living room watching a movie and looked up and saw two people in my entryway next to the front door. They seemed to be interested in what I was watching and when they realized that I was watching them they faded away. Sometimes when they are that clear it takes me a moment to really understand they are a ghost. I was not afraid and when the thought hit.... Oh there is someone in the house they had already gone making an instant thought saying they were just ghost.

Today, while my husband was shaving and I was talking to him about our plans for the day. I glanced over toward our bedroom and saw the full shape and body of a man. He was looking at me and listening to what I was talking about. As soon as my gaze began to fix on his image he was gone. They are really coming in a lot stronger then they used to and I was wondering what was causing them to be so bold.

They seem to be just curious except the man on the stairs who seemed to be upset when one of the children moved away to school. He lets us know he is around by making noises or slaming doors on the other side of the house. They are not draining us or I would have sent them away. But I am thinking it might be time to send them on into the light...I guess I will have to have a conversation with them.

I got two calls for "Spirit Rescue" this week..... We are moving... on with this work....

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