Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Dear Diary,

As I was getting out of bed this morning I managed to glance over toward my husband still snoozing away. That is when I saw a man standing on his side of the bed looking down at my sleeping husband.In a flash he was gone but not before my brain could register a little of what he looked like.

When it is early in the morning like that and I am just coming out of that sleepy state it is hard to fully register what is happening in that moment. He was gone so fast for me to even freak out that someone was standing by the bed.

I could see that he was wearing blue jeans and didn't have a shirt on. I noticed that he had a nice tan but was not able to make out his facial features. What made me wonder was why was he staring down at my husband who has no since of seeing the other side except that he might have wanted to communicate with him. But Why?

As my husband woke up I told him what I saw... I asked if he could think of someone with that description who might have passed wanting to get in touch with him before moving on. I wanted to know what the man wanted. Since the man did not come to me and let me know I had no clue to who he might be.

Of course this becomes a great guessing game and the only person we could both come up with was his Uncle whom he had not seen in 20 years but that is not something we could prove since he walked away from the family and changed his name. I guess we will have to wait and see if he shows up again and lets us know what he wants.

No wonder the cat was not sleeping on the bed with us this morning. I had to search for her and she is one that loves to come and visit me when she notices that I am opening my eyes.

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