Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thurs; the dreams...

Dear Diary,

I woke up this morning chanting a chant that my Qi Gong Master teacher taught me a while ago, to protect myself when I am under spiritual attack. Not only was I doing that, but in my dreams a song kept playing in my thoughts called "Bullet Proof". The only phrase that played over and over was the part about being bullet proof. It about made me crazy when I was brushing my teeth as the lyric kept on. How strange, I thought and remembered my Teacher giving me instructions again in my dream.

It was not until I was having coffee and eating my oatmeal that my daughter walked into the kitchen and greeted me with a narration of her dream. She had had what most would call a nightmare but her description was in detail with the characteristics of a Vivid dream. She described a dark entity that took on a shape of a woman and had two faces.... It went on and I won't go into detail but will say that it ended up waking her from the dream in cold fear.

She quickly started to call in the light and protect herself, the whole house and everyone that is in our home. She told me that she had woken up at 3am which is the active time of night for the other side. As she continued to talk about her dream I started to make the connection to my own dream and the protection I was doing in the dream.....

Hmmm.... as it stated to come together.....I am thinking this has to do with the little job that she is going to do in California. Last night I was talking to my teacher who leads our "Spirit Rescue" team and got home really late from the "Developing Circle". Everyone had gone to bed so I was not able to talk to my daughter about a technique for her to use in clearing the home.

I know in the past when we are going to clear a home with strong activity and often a dark entity or entities, it seems that the other side always seems to know that we are coming. Sometimes, I have had the experience of lots of activity in our own home and even visits in dreams or in waking hours that are not pleasant. It always seems to be a warning or an effort to keep us away if the entity is not of the positive character. So I am guessing the dreams are related.

This was not what we were expecting as it was only to be a house clearing and crossing the ghosts over now we are sure that we are dealing with something much darker....My instinct as a mom tell me not to let her do it, but there is something that tells me that she needs to do this and she will be successful. Besides there will be lots of help on both sides.... Mmmmmmm......It will be interesting to see what comes in twilight........

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