Saturday, September 18, 2010


Dear Diary,

It has been a while since I last wrote... a lot has been happening in my life lately and it seems that I have needed the time to sort through it. I have been studying the Akashic records with Jodi Lovoi a teacher here in the local area and had decided to open them and live in them for a few days as to help me get used to the higer vibration and help me access them during the day faster as practice.

Tuesday night I had gone about the day enjoying my connection with the higher energy and was excited about going to bed hoping that I would do some dream work. What I did not expect was to wake up at 2am and have things running through my head without stoping. I tried to go back to sleep but could not shut down all the information that was coming in.

I have some friends who have a small business and I must have been thinking of them some time before I fell asleep because all the information that came in was how to promote their business. Looking at the clock I rolled over and tried sleeping but it kept coming in loud and clear and I knew if I did not get up and shoot them an email I would not have any rest. The email turned into several emails as every time I tried to lay down more information would come in. I spent most of the night writing.

The next day I tried to sleep but could not settle down. That evening I was participating in giving the Oneness Blessing at our Blessing Circle. Also, we were having a meeting which we are starting that involves the Healers and Teachers in the Fort Worth area.

I was running a little behind and arrived just in time to help with the set up. People were already walking in the door. I noticed that it was doubled in the attendance and we were one Blessing giver short. Not to worry Spirit was guiding us. We finished in the right amount of time to start the meeting for those wanting to participate.

Then it hit me. I could not catch my bearings. My brain had left the building and when I took my awareness to that space it was blank. Now I have had that experience before when we were doing the Blessing but it wore off the next day. Before I went to sleep I closed the Akashic Records and slept like a door knob. The next day was Friday and with Steve and the children away at school I was working home alone accompanied by all of our pets.

It started subtlety but I began to notice that there were people in the house. When I say people I mean ghost like figures but not like I usually see and experience them. It was like the house was full of people walking around doing their own thing. I caught myself saying excuse me as I bumped into a few. It took me a minute for my mind to register fully what was happening. Then as I became more aware of what was happening I started to watch as people were moving about.

They all seemed unaware that I was watching them or didn't care. The day wore on in that fashion with them doing their thing and I finely doing mine. I noticed that animals acted like it was normal and would change their path to avoid bumping into them. Hmmmmmm......Then it dawned on me that having the Records open and doing the Blessing must have done something in raising my vibration to a level that I could see the other world so clearly.

It was like our worlds were right on top of each other. Sure I have caught glimpses of ghost or Spirits but never had I seen so many and experienced their world for the duration of a full day. It had always been with an effort of changing my vibration or them coming to me for help. Wow! I spent the rest of the day with this happening all around me but it started to wear off as I climbed into bed. It was not as noticeable the next day

But on Friday the information kept flowing in and I wrote a few more emails to my friends on promoting their business. My teacher explained that when you work or live in that higher vibration it takes a little while for your body to adjust to being back into the wave length we all are used to. Interesting experience ......

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