Sunday, September 26, 2010


Dear Diary,

Well, it has been an interesting week. I have been working in the Akashic Records and learning that how I am navigate in them is different than how I used to a few months ago. I have been studying with a teacher here who was brought into my life and has showed me a different way of reading the records. It is a lot like working with dreams only with your eyes open and you are awake.

I don't know if most people realize that they can learn how to work in their own records and retrieve information that they need to get answers that will help them move through the peaks and valleys of this life time. The records are a high vibrational library that everything is kept and like a library it can be looked at read by linking on that energy vibration.

Like everything else it is only learning the process and practice. It is not something that only a few can do and many people find it funny when they do learn how to do it that they have already been doing the Akashic Records in their dreams. We all have and like a real library we can be kicked out if we do not follow all the rules.

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