Thursday, September 23, 2010


Dear Diary,

What I finding when I am in this higher energy that it is a higher vibration I am able to connect more to the activity in our own home. This is simply done by raising the chakras in the body and thinking about something happy. With practice it only takes a moment and the intention.

I find that many people are afraid of ghost but the truth is that we are 50% spirit/50% matter meaning that a ghost is a person without the body. They experience fear, love and anger as the rest of us do but understanding the frustration of them being lost or afraid to cross is what we have to understand. Sometimes it is the heart energy which survives death and many have stayed behind to care for their loved ones only to be traped and lost for years.

In our own home we have been going through a change with one of the children moving off to college. With that I find that some of the ghost who are moving through seem to notice the energy shift in our home.

My husband and I were talking the other day and I looked up for a second and standing right behind him was a man looking at us and listening to our conversation. As I gazed directly at him it seemed startle him and he vanished. It made me laugh!

What is funny is that I have watched the animals move around someone standing in the kitchen. The pets don't seem threatened by them only moving out of the way...What is really funny is that most people think that you have to go to haunted place or house to find ghost but they are every where.

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