Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday "Ghost Activity"

Dear Diary,

I have to say that something woke me up from dreaming last night. When I looked at the clock it was little after 1:30 AM.  I got out of bed noticing that my husband was sound asleep and so were all the pets. Thinking that I might get a drink of water I headed for the kitchen. Nothing unusual as I was taking my time heading back to bed.

As I slipped back into the covers I glanced up and noticed a bunch of heavy activity going on all around the ceiling just at the foot above our bed. "How strange", I thought and watched what looked like a lot of dark and light smokey energy flashing in and out. It reminded me of a swarm of bees only it was energy. I took note that it wasn't dissipating as I watched. This made me wonder what they were all wanting? As soon as I thought that an overwhelming feeling hit me that was not a good idea to ask that in that moment. I understood that there were too many of them and I wasn't in a space to work with all of them. It would be too much.

Quickly I put up a protection grid and as soon as I did I could feel the energy connection close down. I could still see them all there but eventually closed my eyes and fell sleep. This morning there was no sign of any activity. You can always tell when you do a test by expanding your energy out into the room. It was very still in the bedroom. Everyone had gone.       

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