Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January 15, 2014

Dear Diary,

This morning while I was visiting with my daughter on the phone I noticed a dark smoke trying to materialize in air to my right. As soon as I turned my full attention to gaze at the dark smoky energy it started to disappear. My immediate thought was someone was there. I finished my conversation on the phone and hung up.  I know that today I need to check in and see what is going on.

As I was doing morning chores around the house I remembered that yes a dark smoke is usually someone who is of a denser energy and that a white smoke is someone who is of a higher level of energy. Most people are afraid of the dark energy but I reminded myself that one of my teachers said to always communicate in unconditional love. That way we as spirit communicators are protected from the lower energies and also able to reach the higher energies. With darker energies unconditional love allows the communicator to move into a space where you can help the denser energies who ask for help and not be feeding it with lower vibrations.

In this case the denser energy may be someone who didn't cross into the light and got stuck somewhere in the worlds in-between. I always see it as a purgatory, but that is just me... But there is the possibility that they could have been very dense when they died. Also it could be someone who believes that they are not good enough to cross into the light etc. Whatever the reason, if a spirit gets caught in-between worlds they become more dense. This is why they may try to communicate with a spirit communicator who can help them finish or find peace to cross over.

It is kind of like working with people on the physical plane. As a communicator if you were full of fear and are approached by a person who is upset and angry it may not go to well. They may even shut down or become more angry or agitated. But if you are in that space of unconditional love you are better able to communicate with that person or help them make different choices that make a difference in their lives. I know there is free well and it also exists on the other side. The point is, if someone asks for help.... what space would you choose to communicate with that person?

Diary side note:
 I am only talking about the energy space of communication at the moment. I do know that prayer and protection is always good.

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