Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday " The Universal Energy Grid"

Dear Diary,

In 2007 I was attending a shaman class and was still trying to fit a things together. My father had taught me a lot when I was very young but that relationship all changed when I grew up enough wanting to fit in more with my friends and what they were all doing. After that I didn't want or try to learn anything from my dad as he was different from everyone else. Later in my life that all changed and I found myself back following my spiritual roots relearning what was taught to me by my father.

I had just come out of full denial when I found this amazing teacher who I was drawn to rediscover what I had forgotten. One day he brought up past lives. Now that was something I had left far behind so there was a lot of doubt when he asked the class to go on a journey into the matrix to find the universal energy grid which he described as a golden web of light. I remember vaguely that my father had talked about it when I was growing up and that to find it would be on a drum journey where the spirit body could project out of the physical body to follow the energy that sustained the grid.  Once there there were the many possibilities of time travel which allowed the spirit body to trace the lines of the many past lives that one had experienced.

I have to admit that I was very skeptical that day. I went ahead and followed his lead into the journey where I was met by my spirit helper and was immediately taken to the grid of light. That was the easy part as I soon found myself following a thread of golden light that was pointed out to me by my guide. When I went to trace the light with my energy I seemed to merge into the thread. It was like a vacuum which sucked me into the light that immediately transported me into another place. I found myself in a man's body racing across the frozen ground on a dog sled. I was dressed from head to toe in furs feeling the wind sting my face and tearing at my clothes. It was amazing as the adrenalin hit my body as I sped across the white landscape in the sled. I was very aware in that moment that I was somewhere in Siberia.

Then as soon as I was starting to enjoy the rush of the speed and the dogs, I was thrown out into another time and place. I say that because I found myself somewhere high up in the mountains. As I looked at my clothes I realized from the yellow saffron color that I was a monk. I knew as a knowing took over that I was in Tibet. I was also able to peer down the mountain side while I was striking a large cylinder with a big log which made a gong like sound. It was very peaceful and as I stood there taking it all in I felt the gentleness of the breeze sweep across my face and robes. In that moment I was able to allow myself to calm down from the sled adventure while moving into that time and space. As I settled into the calm I was once again thrown out of my body into another body that was standing on the top of an Aztec pyramid.  There was no doubt in my mind where I was or what I was doing. Looking at my clothes I found myself to be a man only this time I was dressed in head dress with long feathers and a loin cloth that was decorated. I was decorated and was standing over toward the edge looking down at a huge crowd who were waiting for a religious ceremony to began. An enormous amount of fear and disgust hit me like a rock which seemed to catapulted me out of the body landing again in another body only this time I was back my physical body laying on the floor with the drum beating somewhere off in the room.

 It was all amazing and yet somewhat chilling when I came out of my trance. It was all so real and yet it took me awhile to catch up with my bearings of being in the body that I am in now.  Others were coming out of their experiences and even talking about all the things they saw and did. I kept quiet still reeling from the over all reality of it. On the whole I found that because it happened to me there was no denying that it didn't happen to me. I realized to that I did know that there was such a thing as time travel and the matrix into the universal energy grid.  

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