Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday " The Smoker"

Dear Diary,

It was a very quite weekend despite it being Mother's day. We spent the weekend with the children just enjoying each other's company. The one thing that stood out was that When I woke up at two in the morning everyone was sound asleep in the house including the pets. As I turned over I could smell the distinct smell of cigarette smoke. None of us in the house are smokers and I am highly allergic to it however I could smell the smoke around the bed. My husband was deep in sleep so I didn't wake him up. I laid there trying to find it's source before turning over and willing myself back to sleep.

When I woke up it was gone, so I thought. It was later in the afternoon when I was in the living room sitting on the couch by myself that I could smell the cigarette smoke again. This time I scanned the room but didn't see anyone. I knew someone (ghost) was in the room and they were a smoker but I couldn't find them in the room with me. When the children came in from their errand I asked the children if they smelled it but they didn't, so I let it go.

Last night I turned in early wanting to read a little before turning out the lights. As I got back into bed I smelled the smoke again. It bothered me so much that I was distracted from my reading trying to figure out the source. When my husband came to bed it went away. Again I looked for anyone in the room with us but didn't find anyone. I finally gave up and turned out the lights. This morning when I woke up and went about my morning chores I didn't smell it again. It was raining yesterday as we had one of our big Texas thunder storms which made me wonder if our visitor wanted to get out of the rain and then went on their way after the storms.

Photograph by Steve Noyce

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