Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wednesday "Shifting"

Dear Diary,

I texted my friend Jodi Lovoi who teaches how to read the Akashic Records in Keller, Texas for help Monday morning after the grief hit me like a title wave. It was all I could do to hold it together. The grief hit my solar plexus then went up into my heart so hard I didn't feel like I had the energy nor the courage to go in by myself to find what was causing me to grieve. She texted me back within the hour and said that she could meet with me over the phone at three in the afternoon. I was grateful! I got through the morning still feeling like my heart was splitting open and I wanted to burst into tears as it felt as if I had lost someone. That morning a few of my friends tried to help me emotionally move through the morning so I could get to my appointment.

Fifteen minutes before three I started to call in the light and move the energy around my body and within myself getting ready for her to enter into my field and go into my records. When she called me at three I was ready but still feeling sad. She went through the opening prayer opening the Akashic Records right up. I had to laugh as the energy from the records attracted the ghosts in the house as they started to come into the bedroom where I was taking the call. They weren't doing any harm but were very interested in the energy that opened up in the room. The laughter did me good and give us a chance to chat a little about the ghosts and then we got down to business. The first thing that she noted from the Record Keepers is that when someone we have a deep connection to leaves the earth plane the energy on the earth shifts and if we are sensitive we can feel it. She then went on to verify that my aunt on my biological mother's side had passed on to the other side and I could feel the family's grief. Then she and the record keepers started to clear out any energy cords that were corded into me from them as they were thinking about me to. After she and the record keepers were finished I felt like a huge weight had been taken off of me. The grief had left as I could breath again without the pain within my heart.

Tuesday morning I woke up not feeling any grief but then later that morning I felt an energy moving again in my solar plexus. This time it was an anxiousness which was a big difference from what I had for the last six days. I realized that this was hidden behind the grief that was now able to come through letting me know that there was still something to take care of.

This morning when I got up and went into the kitchen to make the coffee I could feel the anxious energy trying to creep back into my solar plexus. It was then that I heard very clearly from my angel guides that my husband and I are on track with what needed to be done for the year. They then reassured me that my family and all the changes that were happening were a part of a soul contract that we had as a family and that we didn't need to worry about not being in-line with what is going on in our lives. The plan was on time and in-line with what was to come. Then I felt the anxious energy shift and move out of my body.

As soon as I felt an energy shift I checked my energy looking in my solar plexus for the anxious energy.  It was gone. All I felt was the angel guide's reassurance resonating inside of me as I let go of any outcome. In the past when my angel guides have come through spontaneously at different times in my life it was when I was worried about something and they would come to let me know what to expect if it was in my best interests to know. They are always right on the mark of what is going on in my life. When they come through like this it usually about letting me know to either prepare for something coming up, let me know if I am way off track, or right on my path. I have learned over the years to listen as they have helped me move through some major changes in my own life. After hearing from the guides I couldn't wait to tell my husband!

Photographs by Angelique

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