Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday "A Dark Visitor "

Dear Diary,

Last night after going to bed I immediately felt a very heavy presence. It was so thick and what I mean by thick was that it felt like it covered me like a blanket. I could literally feel it on top of me but not actually touching me. I would describe the feeling like being in a very small tent and knowing that it was really close to you. As I turned over to check on my husband I could see a very dark image of a head and shoulders of a spirit move up close and personal between my husband and me. I could even feel it move with me as I rolled over. When I touched my husband he was sound asleep and unaware of what was happening. My first reaction was of being aware of being suffocated but I quickly pushed that away knowing that it was because of the dark visitor.

As I laid there I could feel what felt like a small electrical current of fear coming up through my lungs which I immediately released knowing that a dark entity would become stronger if I allowed myself to be enveloped by that energy. After getting control of myself and my emotions I then allowed myself to acknowledge what was happening. Once I made an assessment of the situation with a clearer head I decided that I didn't want to confront or even spend any energy on what was trying to unfold. I knew that I had already added protection earlier and felt confident that if I didn't give into my own fear it couldn't bother me. With all this in mind I felt very confident which allowed me to turn back over getting comfortable as I put all my attention into going to sleep. I was not disturbed the rest of the night and this morning when I awoke it was gone.

The rest of the weekend was uneventful filled with lots of friends, family and a wonderful tea that I was invited to. I say uneventful, we have been experiencing the animals getting sick lately and have made a few trips to the vet even this morning. There seems not to be an explanation of why they are sick, as the vets can't find anything that is causing their symptoms.

Today on my list is to clear the house and bless it with oil, prayers and light energy.

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