Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday "Catching Up"

Dear Diary,

I woke up to the sound of sleet hitting the window this morning. The animals were huddled up in their blankets keeping warm refusing to get up to go out for their morning romp in the back yard. I was glad that everyone in the house had decided to stay home as the roads are icy. Yesterday our family who was visiting flew back to LA just missing the bad weather. It was a good visit as we had a wonderful time even though we were all tired from trying to fit in every moment we could together.

 I was exhausted last night turning in early only to awaken at 2:30 am by my husband who was up looking up weather reports for this morning on his phone. I got up and went into the kitchen for a drink of water and then fell back into bed. As soon as I closed my eyes I began to see flashes of many different people coming in and out of my third eye vision. Tired I asked for the images to stop trying to go back to sleep. They stopped almost immediately until I realized that I was picking up images of the ghosts in the house who were showing themselves to me.

Feeling guilty, I said I was sorry and gave permission for anyone to communicate with me. That is when I heard a man repeating the same phrase over and over that I recognized from the activities of the day before letting me know that he was there with me when I was with my family. I then asked him to be more clear when suddenly a women interrupted him. She started out saying random words but defiantly had her own voice. Then another women with a lower voice started to talk and as soon as she chimed in another man who I hadn't heard before interrupted her. I still was very much awake and knew they were gathered in my bedroom.

I opened my eyes still listening to them talk seeing that my husband had gone back to sleep. I closed my eyes only to see their images flashing in my mind again. The images were so vivid that I could see the details of their clothes while listening to them speak. Not everyone was from our decade two of the women had clothes from the 1940's. One of them looked like a show girl in a tight flashy ball gown where as the other was more conservative, almost business like. The men  seemed to be more from our time and were dressed differently. One of the men was in his early twenties in blue jeans and a button down long sleeve shirt. The other man was in late 50's wearing khakis and a nice knit sweater.

After awhile of listening to them and seeming not to get anywhere I decided to send out waves of love towards them letting them know I had to go back to sleep. I had the feeling that they had waited for my family to leave so that they could talk and be seen. It had been almost a week and they were wanting their time.  Once I did that they left me alone and I slept through the rest of the night until woke up this morning.

Side note: Ghosts can be seen several different ways.  They can be seen by a clairvoyant through the minds eyes as the ghosts imprint their images in the their mind. They can also be seen with the physical eyes of the clairvoyant.

Photographs by my sister Angelique - Taos, NM 

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