Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Dear Diary,

I was surprised that there wasn't a lot of things happening in the house with ghosts even though last night was a full moon. I did however have a few interactions with a ghost who wanted me to know what was on his mind. It was nothing big just letting me know that he was there.

I also had a lot more interaction with my angel guides who answered some of the questions that I had as I was clearing out some old energy patterns and working on a some personal lessons that needed to be addressed in my own life. In the past people have often asked how I can tell the difference between my angel guides and ghosts. My question to them is how they can tell the difference between a family member and stranger. The same is true with my guides and ghosts as I know my angel guides personally.

I know what my angel guides energy feels like when they are with me in a room. I know how they sound when they speak to me. I also know what they look like when they make an appearance. They are not always with me as they come and go doing whatever they do when on the other side. I do know that I can ask or call on them for help anytime I need them. They also check in on me sometimes when I am aware of it and sometimes when I am not as I am focused on something else until one of them says something and then I am aware of their presence.

Ghosts are different and there are so many of them coming in and out of the house or anywhere we go. The best analogy I can think of for being around ghosts is like going to a public place where there are lots of people. You know the people are there and they are going about their own business until you talk to someone or they introduce themselves to you etc... Otherwise they are just there. When I hear a ghost talk to me it is like meeting people who have their own voice and sound like they would as a person. It is no different then meeting a live person only they don't have a body.

In my case I am strongest as a clairvoyant but I am also clairaudient. The difference is that a ghost will have to make more of an effort to find my energy frequency to talk to me. If I want to talk to them I have to make some effort in concentrating so that I can communicate with them. It is a lot like switching from one language to another where you have to be aware of changing over from the language you are used to speaking everyday. For me it takes a little more focus to keep up the conversation with them if I engage with them in a discussion. (It is also a little like the difference between hearing and listening)

When it comes to me seeing ghosts I am already attuned to them on a seeing level so it is hardly any effort for me to see them unless they don't want me to see them and then I have to go into the third eye or work with my angel guides opening up my energy fields to find them. This only happens when I am doing Spirit Rescue or needing to communicate with them, otherwise I leave them alone.

First Photo by Ana's sister Angelique - Vatican City
Second Photo by Steve Noyce - Rome, Italy

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