Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday June 9, 2010

During lunch yesterday with a dear friend, I received a frantic phone call from anther friend who was in touch with a person here in town who owns a house that is having a lot of activity. What was even more interesting was that they were being physically attacked in the home such as being scratched and slapped.

Apparently, they had had groups over to the home to clear it, but with no success. In fact the clearings seemed to cause more agitation to the situation and the owner was reluctant to have anyone else come out to clear it. Through this experience the owner had become a believer in the paranormal and had set up their own team with electronic devices.

My friend, who is also on our "Spirit Rescue" Team, asked if she could arrange for just three of us to go out and do a clearing for the owner. The three being me, Paula, our teacher, and she. Apparently, people have been scared away after doing such work in the home and she thought it would be best if it was only us just in case we were attacked.

I had a brief flashback to about a little over a year ago, when I went to a friend's home for a class and I was the only one who showed up, so my friend and I got into a great conversation over ghosts and hauntings. My friend confessed that they had been physically attacked in their home and were afraid of the entity that was terrorising them.

Needless to say, I had had dealings with ghosts and some entities, so I agreed to help her clear the home. We decided to start right then and I did a brief prayer to bring in the light and God's energy for protection for the work when the house started to creek and noises, that sounded like things hitting the wall, could be heard. We even heard sounds that seemed like things falling off the book shelves and sounds of scratching on the wall.

I remember our fear turned the room cold, but the phone rang, causing us to leave the home to rescue her husband who was having car trouble. Later in the evening, I drove home and was half way there when I noticed lightning. I love storms, so while I was sitting at the next stoplight, I started to search for where it was coming from. Then I saw it again, only this time I noticed that it was not lightening, but streaks of light that looked like lightening and were vertical, traveling down the power line next to the road I was traveling.

When I accelerated, It looked like the streaks of electrical current were following my car down the street toward the highway for the next five miles in what looked like burst of vertical flashes of lightening. I seemed to have lost it when I merged on the highway, to my relief, and drove the next four miles calming myself down and letting go of some of my fear.

But it caught up with me after turning on the three mile road to my street after exiting the highway, following me all the way home. Terrified, I started to do Reiki and praying for God's protection all around my home before driving up to it. I also covered my family and animals praying, when it dawned on me that this entity could also access my energy and anyone I was connected to, so I started to cover my family and friends.

Terrified, I managed to get out of the car and walk into the house fully alert and finding nothing, so I took my bath and slipped into bed with my sleeping husband. Everyone was sound asleep.

In the middle of the night I woke up with this feeling of something very angry looming over me, just staring at me with massive hatred. Then I saw it for the first time, this large dark shadow in the darkness of the room standing right next to my side of the bed. Lucky for me, I knew I had covered my bed, the kid's beds, and the animals, so I knew it could not mess with us. I like my sleep more than anything, and so with that knowledge of the protection I woke up agitated, blew it off with my hand, and rolled over thinking it would have to wait until I was awake, and went back to sleep.

The next morning when I woke up, it was gone. I checked the whole house and found no trace of it. During the day, I checked again making sure it had left and found nothing. Later on, when I started to take classes with my teacher, I learned that when there is No fear then they have nothing to feed on or to control. The protection of prayer, reiki, and my stinginess with my sleep had saved us from an attack.

A lot had happened since that night, and I now have the training and experience under my belt from other rescues. I told my friend to set it up and we would come. Hanging up, I related the story to my friend, the one who's home I was at that night with the lightening, and had been peaceful since the "Spirit Rescue" team had cleared her home with a huge success. Driving home afterwards, I couldn't help thinking how much water had flowed under the bridge in the past year.

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