Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday evening....

Really busy weekend and very interesting.... We were invited to a home of a person who was experiencing a lot of activity and was in the past being physically attacked. Not only did they have ghost but the dark entities which the person called a demon. Actually there were two in the home along with other entities on different levels.

The owner of the home had brought in people to clear the home but it only stirred up activity and caused a great deal of back lash on the owner. One group did manage to close the portal and then banish the demon out of the home but what we gathered was that it was still trapped on this side of the portal and only banished from the house.

The concern of the home owner was that any tampering of the house would cause an opening into the home allowing it to reek havoc on the home owner in revenge so we were asked to only observe. We did however find a lot of activity in the home without it but there was also still a large presence of evil lurking in the home.

That evening we moved around the home observing and all of us felt a presence of being watched and it was not happy. It did seem to clear off within an hour of us noticing it and then it felt like it never existed. Our host was very gracious in allowing us to tour the home and we kept our word not to do anything and to only observe. I must say it was hard not to help. I don't know how our host lives like that because you felt like you were on guard all the time.

The home owner did explain that this was nothing to what they had endured with the other presence in the home. They felt that even with all the activity it was liveable.

I had no trouble on the drive back home and felt confident in knowing that I know how to protect myself before I go on any rescue and how to cleanse myself. Getting out of the car and walking into the house I noticed what looked like energy trying to appear. I was so tired from the visit and acknowledged the ghost or tag-a-long but told them to stay outside the house. I was too tired to talk to them. It was 1:30am...

The next day after sleeping in I realized that I should have helped the ghost who followed me home to cross or at least listened to see what they had to say. I am making a note that the ghost was not attached to me but to my car and that is how it followed me home so I am not sure without communicating with the ghost if it was in the home, outside or just in the neighbourhood.

Today I had jury duty and was one in forty called for a trial for questioning. The lady Lawyer had a man following her around in the energy form. You could see the head and shoulders of a man just outside of her own energy field. His broad shoulders and bulky build gave him away but when when she mentioned a story about her father who had passed. He got brighter....... I am guessing it was her father...

Out of the forty 28 of us were released to go home and I was happy to go home and join my family. I worked with my Qi Gong teacher in the early evening and enjoyed the relaxing meditation of being familiar with our energy forms.

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