Friday, June 11, 2010


Dear Diary,

Yesterday we had to be at the University for our second day of orientation at seven in the morning so we we left the house early. On the car ride over I took the time to Reiki and put protection around myself since Steve was driving and I didn't want any more house guest. As we drove I could feel this tingling in and around my body as the vibration moved to a higher level for protection.

We got to the University in time and was able to meet with our group for breakfast and continued our day with our classes on how the university runs. It was about 11 during the next class session that I noticed that one of the professors who got up to speak a very soft spoken fellow had something special with the white light that surrounded his body. A blue turquoise light in neon traced around his body and lit up mixing with the white light in his energy field. Then a yellow light shown out of the crown of his head mixing in with blue and shown three feet above his head.

I took a tipple take and was entranced with the beauty of light shining all around this man. As I looked at him and at the light there was nothing to indicate that this man was any different from anyone else in the room except for the light that emanated from his whole being. It was beautiful. I knew then that this was someone very special and that the students who had him as their Professor were lucky to be taught by him.

As I sat there watching the man speak I noticed to the right of the room a white smoke slowly moving across the room a few inches above the heads of the audience making its way toward the speaker but it dissipated a few rows toward the front. It looked like when someone blows a large puff of smoke from a cigarette only no one was smoking since it is not allowed in the buildings. Also the size of it covered several people at a time as it moved across the room.

In my experience when I have seen this I knew it to indicate the presence of a ghost but there was more than one in this case. They dismissed us for lunch and we were later met as a large group in the auditorium for more speakers and to hear from the University administrators. Each speaker had the light emanating from them but nothing like the Professer before the lunch break. As I looked around the room I could see a golden white light and make out the outline of a head and shoulders of a small child with its arms wrapped around a woman a few rows in front of me.

A few rows on my left were two couples sitting in two different rows but close to each other. And since it was a parent orientation to the university I guessed they were sitting with their spouses but the man in one couple and the women in the other couple seemed to be very connected with a wall of energy that they shared even though the way that they were sitting they looked like they didn't know each other. I realized then that it was none of my business and averted my eyes....I have gotten into trouble in the past by seeing someone else's business so I moved on trying to concentrate listening to the speaker and grounding myself back into a more physical reality.

The day continued on with seeing the other side interact with the living and I watched in fascination trying not to stare and be rude. Lucky for us we got out early and were able to enjoy the rest of our evening. I have not heard from the chain smoker in the car that came home with us the other day so I am guessing he decided to move on. Today should be quiet so I am resting from all the activity from the last two days and need to catch up on my house work.

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