Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday "The Path"

While driving to an appointment the other day, I was gently reminded of my dad who had passed on a few year ago. But what was interesting was that I remembered accompanying my dad when he went to teach the "Warrior's way"  when I was very young. This was very important to him besides being an artist, sculptor, and writer.

 When my father and I were alone when I was growing up he told stories about learning how to focus on personal power, and mastering of the self.  One thing he really wanted me to learn was how to meditate. This was one of his practices and I would sometime join him. The trouble was I could never sit still or quiet my mind long enough to learn so I would often drop off to sleep or walk off with something else to do.

One of the things that we did was spend time working with the animals on our ranch both domestic and wild. Looking back I recalled him teaching me how to communicate by moving our energy levels to cretin points to not cause the animal fear or distress to match the animals energy so that we became one of them or invisible to them. He taught me how to track animals. I learned how to open up the heart expanding my energy to locate a lost animals which served me well when I went searching for kittens.

We talked to the rock people, cloud people, trees, snakes and watched the bugs move in patterns as they went about their lives. He told wonderful stories of spiders, creation and how the universe worked along with tracking stars and their patterns. Star gazing is a must if you live in the country without the lights of the cities.

My father was interested in energy of both the spirit and healing. He used to show me how to heal with my hands and all this was something I thought was to amuse me and keep me out of trouble. There are memories of his lectures and falling asleep in my chair with the lights on while he was talking only to be woken up when it was time to go.

I must admit thinking back that things were something that I didn't share with a lot of my family and friends. When my father and I were together we were in a different space. It took me years to discover what a blessing it all was to learn about working with energy and communicating with animals was in my own life as an adult. Part of my tutoring was to be aware and learn how communicate with all of the nature around me as it was all alive and apart of the one consciousnesses of our Creator.

Since my father was what some would call different as he followed the path of the Warriors way, and I grew up following the path of trying to fit in with all the other people being a wife and mom, we rarely saw each other as I got older. When we did it was always picking up where we left off as though no time had been lost in between.

Looking back now I am learning that all of what I learned can and is applied to healing and teaching. I found too, that instead of following the Warriors way like my father, I am more drawn to the path of the Adventurer whose focus is on love and harmony which fits me in what I do. From what I understand, the more you master either one of the two, you find it harder to distinguish one from the other because of how much it is really all connected.

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