Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday " The Lower Chakras"

Dear Diary,

It has been busy the last few days. My family has kept me busy but when I have a few moments to myself I have been working on balancing the lower chakras. I was reminded of the elements the other day and wanted to see how it worked with the energy of the chakras. This is a mediation that uses the elements in combining the physical body while balancing the chakras.

How it works:

The first step is to find a quite place to sit so that you can relax the body and mind going into a mediation. The intention then is to find your center of balance and then work on the lower chakras aligning them up with the earth plane experience.

From there you then take your focus to the base chakra which is connected to the earth allowing yourself to connect, emptying out any fears or worries that have been taking up space in your mind and body. After you take a few moments to release any fears etc... then you can connect to the earth letting your base chakra to align up with the earth while spinning it.

Next you then work the second chakra which is the sacral chakra that is connected to water. There you place your focus on the blood and any body fluids. By doing this you can move your awareness down through your body and let all the impurities or anything that is foreign in those fluids to be released into the light that does not serve for the highest good. Again cleaning out the energy in the body fluids and allowing the second chakra to spin.

The third chakra is the solar plexus which is connected to fire element in the body. This is the heat source in your body that burns and converts all things into energy. I love this one as it can be used on any emotional energy that is no longer necessary, burning it off, releasing it from the body. It can also be extended into the spiritual bodies that holds and records any energy that is no longer necessary. This allows this chakra to be cleansed and helps bring it back into balance so that it can spin.

The forth chakra that can be used in this exorcise is the heart chakra. This chakra is connected to the element of air. It is the breath of life that sustains our existences on the planet. On the in-breath you can bring your awareness into the body so that you can visualize the oxygen regenerating the cells while cleaning and clearing the energy within the body and within the heart chakra. By focusing on the out-breath you may release any stress, fears, or any emotions that no longer serve for the highest good. Again this also brings this chakra back into its full balance allowing it to spin at the proper rate.

By doing these exercises with the lower chakras you can bring the energy flow back into harmony which will clear and balance the lower chakras. This will help in keeping you more grounded and connected to the energy of the earth which is experienced in the physical body. Our bodies take a real toll in moving around the planet in our every day lives and this will allow the physical stress to move out of the body quicker rather than carrying it around. Like everything else it takes practice but once you have mastered the technique it will only take a few moments to clear and go through the exorcise.

One thing I do want to mention is that it is in no way a replacement of any kind of medical care. It is an exercise that will compliment and is kind of like taking a spiritual vitamin that will work together in building a healthier life style.

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