Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Dear Diary,

I was rear-ended yesterday at a stoplight while I was out doing some errands. My little Cooper which is a standard stalled out at the light and I was hit from behind by a big Jeep Wrangler. The hatch back caved in. The first thought that went through my mind was "No, it can't be!" But it had happened and the rest of the day followed with the process of taking care of the situation and dealing with my own shock.

Last night I had very fitful dreams of being psychically attacked by someone I used to know who was notorious for getting into other people's energy fields. The dream was so vivid and I knew the energy of the particular person so well that I awoke with my heart pounding. It took a moment for me to calm my heart to a normal beat as I came out of the dream. I had had a history of being blindsided by this person on the psychic level and had gone to great lengths in working on protection grids to keep this energy out. Now that the years had past, I had not had a problem in a long time with being invaded. I was finally able to gather my thoughts from the dream but I wanted to know what was happening. I also wanted to know if it was starting over again.

 I asked my guide if that person was in any way tying to contact me. I got an immediate response that it was not the other person at all. It was stuck energy that had been brought back up by my car being hit in the back. My body had been jarred by the impact of the accident and had triggered the cellular memories of being psychically blindsided. To the physical body it was all the same. The cells in my body were releasing the energy that replayed the incident which made the memory of that person so prevalent in the dream.

As I understood this, it started to register in my brain and I could accept what was happening to me at that moment. After that I was able allow the cells to release the emotional energy that was stored recognizing it and acknowledging it as it moved out into my energy field away from me. After sometime I was then able to fall asleep. The next morning I was visiting with a friend and she was intrigued by
how the body holds on to energy patterns that get stuck in the body even after you think the problem is resolved. I on the other hand was happy that at least some of the energy that I didn't know was holding on, was gone. Sometimes events in our lives that can be  frustrating can turn out to be a blessing.

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