Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday "Spirit Guides"

Dear Diary,

This morning as I was coming out of Twilight with my own guides I was wanted to make a note of how to tell the difference between spirit guides, and disembodied spirits, or entities that may pose as spirit guides.. This is something that is really important when you are first learning who to trust when working with the other side.

One thing I do want to point out is that a Spirit guide will never tell you what to do or order you around. When you are in contact with them they may make suggestions, but again you have the complete freedom to choose the path you want to take. They are never negative about the events and the people around you. From their perspective they can always see the bigger picture, and offer advice if you ask. Spirit guides are there to help you if you want help and offer guidance if it is for your highest, and greatest good. Spirit guides are not there to take over your life, or make any kind of choice for you. They will never tell you to hurt yourself or others.

It has been my experience as I keep open communication during the day or in twilight that they will remind me of something that will help me but it is always a reminder. It is never in the form of a command or a demand. This is important as some of the people that I know who work with spirit guides will tell me that their guides will demand that they change or do something. In these cases without even checking that is a red flag that they are not working with their spirit guides but an entity, or even a spirit that has found it's power in trying to control them.

When first leaning to work with spirit guides it is important to be sure it is your personal spirit guides who  shows up when you call. One of the things you can do is ask right out if they are your spirit guide. You can also phrase your questions to ask them why they came and why they have showed up? Most spirits or entities will tell you their business if you ask them. If you are picking up a denser energy you will know as they will often try to dominate you or again try manipulate you. If you feel uncomfortable there is probably a good reason.

 Energy is another way of know who your spirit guide is as they have always been with you since birth. Once you ask you may want to feel into their energy if you are a feeler to see if it feels familiar to you. Again you can always check  Most of the time it is a quick and easy connection with them as you will find that they have been watching out for you since you were born. 

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