Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thursday "Separation By Words

Dear Diary,

It has been a busy week again. I got to work on one of my clients this week with Reiki which always makes me happy as I can feel the energy move through me. I even got to have lunch with a new friend, and we had quite the interesting conversation. I don't always tell people what I do as often it is not the right time, or it can make things a bit awkward  after I open up. It was somewhere in our conversation that I told her that I do energy work, and about working with the guides. For more than ten minuets there was an awkward silence as I let her processes what I had just told her. I could feel her energy moving through what I said, and what I do trying to figure out if she was okay with it. After awhile we started to talk again. I knew she was curious, but sometimes telling everything is not always a good move.

 She asked me about my book, and wanted to know what it was about.  I have to admit that I loved writing my book, and love talking about it. I told her it was about my life, and the adventures that I have had with the supernatural. The good thing was that she was open to what I was talking about after some thought as she has had some training on her own that she could compare it to. It was here religious practices that had held her back, but when we visited we found that we had a lot more in common.

 I told my new friend the story of when I was teaching one day speaking about the Holy Spirit as I do have a Christian background, and that is a language that I use. A women came up to me after the class letting me know that she was highly offended that I used those words to describe the Spirit. She was unhappy with the church, and politics that she associated with it. After talking to her I knew she, and I were on the same page as far as what we understood, and experienced. It was our words that separated us. She left still angry, and I asked my guides if they knew what just happened. They said that she had been hurt by a religion, and that even though she knew the Holy Spirit, and understood she associated the words with the pain. The guides explained that there was nothing I could do, but she was working on it.

This experience also happened once again when I was talking to a new pastor. I have talked, and have many friends who are pastors, but this one was doing his first year as pastor of a church. As fate would have it I ended up being a position where it was necessary to talk to him about what I do, and in it the conversation it started to create some fear. Again I was lucky to have my guides surround me while we were visiting reassuring me as we talked that we were both talking about the same exact experiences. The only thing that separated us were the words we used to describe what we were talking about.

This made me more aware as I spoke to my new friend who smiled back at me as we talked more about our spiritual experiences, and how we used our words. As I was driving her back to her work she explained to me that she got it. She understood what I did, and how it fit in with her own experiences. I wondered later how many wars, and how many people have lost their lives when we find ourselves separating ourselves with our words. Fear takes us down so many rabbit trails, and yet we all have that connection, and the spark of the Creator within us.

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