Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday "Contact"

Dear Diary,

 My little sister came into town this past weekend, and we started reminiscing about things in our lives. One of the stories that came up was something that happened to me a few years ago when I was really starting to learn about the spiritual world again. As I told her the story we started to laughing as it all happened quite innocently.

It was after our dad passed away, and during that time I had been getting reacquainted with shamanism. I was trying to reconnect with our dad, and started to get into drumming. One day I got a newsletter from a local store that they were hosting a drumming circle. I was excited, and was really feeling the need to get out of the house. I called one of my Reiki friends asking if they wanted to go, but they had other plans that evening so I decided to go on my own.  

I remember looking at the clock waiting then driving out excited to meet other people who had the same interest. I parked close, picked up my drum which was carefully laid in blankets in the back seat, and walked into the store. I was then greeted with the normal scene of people mulling around looking at the beautiful stones, and minerals that were for sale as they waited for the event to start.

Feeling a little awkward I walked up to the store owner, and asked about the drumming circle. Looking at my drum inquisitively he cocked his head to the side explaining that the drumming circle was scheduled for the following evening. I felt this rush of energy serge through my bones of embarrassment as I smiled back at him, and asked politely what was going on that evening. Taking my cue he said that it was a spirit gallery. By then people in the room had over heard our conversation, and were starting to snicker as it was funny.  My ego kicked in, and I raised my head proudly telling him that I would stay. Inside I was blaming my dyslexia, but the honest truth was it was just too humiliating to walk out the door.

My drum accompanied me into the other room where the spirit gallery was being held. The chairs were all set up in a circle, and people were beginning to find their seats. I quickly found a chair trying my best to become invisible feeling a little annoyed with myself for staying. At the time I didn't feel like I needed to be there since I talked to ghosts all the time. As I was sitting there thinking about how to slip out of the room unnoticed the owner of the shop came in introducing the medium. His name was David Scott, and what caught my attention was that he had been trained in the United Kingdom at the Arthur Findlay collage. That really piqued my curiosity so I decided to stay.

 David was soft spoken yet there was a gentle strength in his voice. He took command of the room quickly clearing, and opening it up to spirit with a guided meditation. The energy in the room seemed to settle down calming any anxiety that people were carrying. I noticed that my own feelings had relaxed as he went into the readings. It was the second reading that he was beginning when the information hit me like an arrow. There was no doubt it was my father. The information that he brought into the reading where things that I had forgotten, and left behind in my early childhood. That was the time that my father, and I were the closest. I was reminded of sleeping out under the stars with our bedrolls as he told me stories about the constellations, and about the universe weaving stories frrm other cultures of how it all worked. Then I realized that I had not spoken up, or raised my hand that the message was clearly for me as he went into more detail of that experience. I waved my hand grateful to hear evidence that my father was in the room. Usually I make contact with those I love, but hadn't been able to communicate with my dad. I was at loss for words. It was a powerful reading for me that I never expected.

 At the end of it he had a message for my mother who was living in California which I didn't understand at all. As soon as the gallery ended I left deciding to call my mom on the way home since we have a time difference knowing she was still up. I related the message to her, and she burst into tears. She told me that just the other day she was thinking about that one thing. I was shocked! Somewhere in the back of my mind I was reminded that "there are no coincidences in the universe". 

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