Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wed. "Body Jumping"

Dear Diary,

  I was visiting with someone very dear to me, and they confided about something that I wanted to address. It was that the person had had some experiences where they noticed that their consciousness would sometimes leave their body, and they would find themselves looking through the eyes of another person. They were very much aware that they were not in their own body, but someone else's experiencing what the other person was experiencing. When I heard this I knew right away what they were talking about because it has also happened to me. I call this body jumping.  There are other teachers who call it something else, but that is the best term that I can describe it as. It has nothing to do with possession. That would be a complete misconception.

What I understand from this experience is that yes, it is very real. It is also apart of astral traveling which can be on purpose, or not on purpose. The only difference is that instead of being just separate from your physical body you end up merging into someone else's. The person who I am going to call the host may know you are there, or they may not know that you are inside of them. Now this may sound strange, but the shaman, and medicine men have been doing this for ages.

It is merging one consciousness with another. The medicine men, or shaman did this when they went into trance, and would jump into an animal such as a buffalo to find where the herds were grazing. Then after gathering the information form the surroundings they would then come back, and tell the tribe. Then the whole tribe would gather up all their belongings, and move to where the herds were grazing. It was all about survival. This gift has also been used to merge into the clouds to bring rain.

Several years ago it started to happen to me randomly, and I began to search for answers for why it was happening. What I thought was going on was that it was all about compassion, but what I discovered was that it is also about matching patterns. Somehow when this happens we match an energy pattern, and when we astral jump we end up being attracted to the energy. It is like a magnet which draws the two energy patterns together causing the merge. The shaman, and medicine men have control over this, and can direct it to where they need to go. As for those of us who stumble on to it can find it quite alarming, or even confusing.  

The warning that a shaman gave me was that when we merge into someone, or something else we match their energetic pattern. What we need to be careful is not to bring home a disease. A pattern of a disease could be playing as a energetic program within a person we are merging with. As we merge with the energy that program can be written within our energy fields, and when we return to our own physical bodies we can bring that program to play within ourselves. The thing to remember if you are one of those who has this gift is to know how to protect, clear, and cleanse. This is important before, and after a merge.

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