Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday "Something Different"

Dear Diary,

The woman who has been hanging around our home does not seem to be around any more. I ended up expanding my energy through the house searching for her but she is gone for sure. That does not mean that she might not show up again. Our house is always buzzing with spirits coming and going. I never know until they let me know that they want to communicate why they are in and out. Sometimes they can be aggressive and other times they are just there waiting for us meaning my daughter and I to settle down to communicate.

Last night I had a different encounter than what I am used to. I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that I was still in that dreamy state not quite fully in my body. It was then that I noticed that a familiar energy that has always been around me was not there but had left a residue of their energy with me as I was coming out of my dream. I knew immediately it wasn't a guide but some energy that I knew very well. To explain it... it felt like someone that you care about walking out of the room and your miss them instantly. The thing was I was not sure who I was missing.

I got up to get a drink of water and started to walk around so that I could ground myself in my body. When I did this it allowed my brain to kick in so that I could analyse the situation. My immediate thought was to go back to sleep and consciously track down whoever I was missing by following the trail of energy like a scent. And that is exactly what I did. I willed myself to move my consciousnesses into a theta wave jumping back into my dream absorbing the energy melting into it. I was not sure if I would be successful but I was determined to try. I wanted to know what was on the other side of that energy and why it felt so familiar.

When the energy took me in a wave I was spat out in another dimension somewhere out in oblivion still holding on tightly to my mission. That is when a gentle hand laid on my shoulder. Again what I found was not what I expected. It was very alien to me but I am learning that the more I expand consciously in the astral planes I find other planes of existence. The being showed me its hands and how different they were from mine. Then I was shown that if I took my thumb and tucked it under my pointing finger I could kinda of copy what I saw. The being's hands had three fingers and one long thumb. It was a shock to see what I was seeing. Then the being started to talk to me.

I was told in my own language telepathically that everyone who lives on the planet earth has DNA from different parts of the universe. Some have the same but others have DNA from other beings who shared their DNA to create the human vehicle. I was not really sure how to take the news as that was not something that I think about. Then the being reminded me about a charm on a necklace that I had and the strange reactions I would get when I wore it. When I first saw the charm I couldn't take my eyes off of it and knew deep down within my soul that it was an ancient symbol that meant something but I couldn't remember what it was. I tried to walk away from it but couldn't get it off my mind. I finally gave in buying the little charm. I have never seen that symbol since and couldn't find anything on the internet about it. Later I put it on a chain and wore it when I worked at the Acupuncture clinic. It made a nice necklace.

I was not prepared for the strange response when I wore it. The charm was only half an inch so it wasn't anything that screamed out to look at. What happened was when had it on people at the clinic and anywhere I was would stop me and ask me about my necklace. At first I didn't think much of it but when people started coming up to me on the street asking to look.... it got a little strange and they all said the exact same thing. They knew it was an ancient symbol but couldn't remember what it meant. I was wired. I stopped wearing it after awhile putting it away to maybe investigate it when I had the time. The being told me that people who shared the same DNA patterns knew this was a symbol from where the being was from. The symbol was ancient and it was a reminder of who we were when we were willing to learn about our birthright. It was a lot to take in so I said my goodbyes feeling some kind of a connection with this being. Then I made my way out of my dream state into the physical world waking up.

Later when I was fully awake starting my day I thought about what I had experienced. I was wanting to make some sense of it all yet I knew that I knew the energy that the being was emanating. It was and has always been around me in my dreams and astral travels. The necklace was all true and there was no denying that. The rest I am thinking I need time to mull over and do some investigating on my own.

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