Monday, July 6, 2015


Dear Diary,

Saturday we were in Austin and got back late from being out with all of our family for the Fourth of July. As we parked in the hotel parking lot someone walked by my side of the car. Usually there is nothing unusual about that except that I was on the verge of opening the car door and didn't want to smash anyone with it. When the man passed I proceeded to get out only to realize that there was no one there. Confused it took my mind a few seconds to catch up that he was a ghost because he looked so solid. Looking around the parking lot I could see that we were the only people parking at that time. It was really late and I told my family what I had seen, laughing it off.

Sunday when we got home the ghosts in our house seemed to be really happy that we were there. I kept seeing flashes of white smokey images passing by me when I was unpacking. Later when I turned off the lights and closed my eyes my head kept lighting up with a such a bright light that I kept checking to see if anyone had come in and turned on the lights. Then I realized that I was being visited and acknowledged them before falling asleep.

Photograph by Steve Noyce - Taos, NM

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