Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Wednesday "Things that Make You Go Hmmm..."

Dear Diary,

Early Tuesday morning I had another astral jump landing me back exactly where I had been before. When I realized where I was I made a quick decision to go back to my body. After returning I looked at the clock and was surprised that it was close to the same time it happened the last time, 4:20 am. I ended up walking through the house several times trying to ground myself and calm down. When my husband woke up to go to work we talked about what I had experienced.

The rest of the day was normal except for my daughter's and my own cars' batteries were both dead. The funny thing was that I was the last person to have driven both of them the day before so it seemed a little odd. My husband had to replace the batteries. As for the ghosts in the house, there wasn't a lot of activity. There were a few fleeting glimpses of white smoky images moving through the rooms but as soon as my full attention landed on them they would disappear.

There was something I forgot to record that happened on Monday morning. I woke up early with two men standing at the foot of the bed in the form of what looked like water vapor. I knew they were men as the way they stood and were built. Lately I have been looking at the time when things are happening and so I saw that it was a little after 4 am. One seemed to me to be middle aged and the other looked younger although I couldn't make out facial features.

They hung out for a while as I was reading. I kept glancing up to check on them beacuse they seemed to be really interested in us. I wasn't nervous just wanted to know where they were. After my husband got up I got out of bed and forgot about them as the house became alive with pets wanting to be let out and fed. I didn't think about that encounter again as I was preoccupied with what had happened on Saturday that is until now when I remembered the visit and am writing this...   Hmmm...

Photographs by Cameron

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